Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mission: Gainfully Employed ...The Resume

Session one of Mission: Gainfully Employed is all about resumes. An updated resume should be a staple in your files at all times, it is basically a more detailed business card. Whenever you have a new commitment or experience such as community service, joining a new board, or a new degree be sure to update it on your resume!

Your resume should be clear, concise, and professional while at the same time being original and tastefully bragging about all of your good qualities. Your resume is not the time to start downplaying your role in previous positions. Highlight what you have accomplished, keep in mind that highlighting does not mean stretching the truth!

In preparation for the perfect resume you should make sure that the jobs you hold reflect what you want to do in the future. Push yourself to reach for meaningful positions. If you are having trouble attaining those positions VOLUNTEER your time and skills for organizations that are doing what you want to do. Before you know it they will be wondering why you aren’t officially a part of their team.

Now lets get down to some main tips and tricks for a good resume! This information has been gathered by people who are the head of HR departments for major companies and the actual individuals who do the interviewing!

1. Create a section at the top of your resume that simply lists your skills. Research words that are key to that specific sector and also use the job description as a source.
Ex: I have defined skills surrounding: project coordinating, volunteer recruitment, etc. and would like a position that utilizes these skills…

2. List chronologically past and current positions, usually 3-4 is more than enough. Detail the work done in these position not as “job responsibilities” but as “on the job accomplishments” use this opportunity to pat yourself on the back!

3. Be sure to add a list of Affiliations, this is your volunteering and community service. If you don’t have any GET SOME. Employers take this seriously and see that as an asset.

4. If you’ve received awards include them, we are showcasing what a great person you are. This would generally be academic or on the job awards. Not field day blue ribbons.

5. Keep this document to one page, we love showcasing who you are but DO NOT ramble. Be clear and to the point.

It should basically look like this: These are my skills, I developed and used them doing these jobs, and this community work, as a result I received this degree, and these awards. All that together = I’m great.

6. Fancy paper, DON’T DO IT. Unless you are applying for a position as an artist, designer, etc. this is seen as over the top and unnecessary. Use quality white paper, the wow factor should come from the content.

7. Get a professional email address!!!! Please do not embarrass yourself by listing “” as your contact information. No one will take you seriously. You wouldn’t take yourself seriously.

8. While collecting information for your resume, also collect previous work on projects that can be used for a portfolio. We won’t discuss a good portfolio here but it is a good time to start gathering information for it.

9. You do not have to stick to Times New Roman font or size 12 font, just make sure that it is clear and not too big or small. The goal is to make reading easier, not to distract the reader.

10. Have clear and crisp headers for each section of the document. A reader should never be confused about what is an affiliation and what is an award. Make sure you are clear in each section!

No matter what disply your true self in your resume and keep it updated!

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