Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mission: Gainfully Employed, The Cover Letter

The best resume accompanied by an ‘ok’ cover letter will never get you that awesome job you want. Here are a few quick sure fire tips from the pro’s to whip that cover letter into shape!

1. FORMAT- Nothing will get your information in the circular file quicker than incorrect formatting.

-Address top left corner

-Skip four lines and enter the date

-Skip four more lines and enter the contact person with their company address. DO NOT send a cover letter and resume to “whom it may concern”. FIND a name!!!

-Three paragraphs for your content.

-Add Sincerely and sign your name.

2. Research the organization you’re applying to and create links between their mission/work and you.

3. List 1-3 assets you can offer the company.

4. Talk about what a great company they are, list their accomplishments.

5. Expand on the relevant experience you list in your resume.

6. Be to the point!

7. Make sure the paragraphs flow.




Finally while you work feverishly at your flawless cover letter and resume we thought we would give you an epic example of what NOT to do. Although it is completely entertaining!

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