Friday, October 28, 2011

REAAL Issues: To Be, or Not To Be

Having an abortion is something society overlooks. With more than 40 million existing annually it is a situation that needs to be discussed.

On October 17 we hosted To Be Or Not To Be, a panel discussing pregnancy, abortion and foster care in 2011. With over twenty attendee’s, our goal was to introduce unorthodox situations to students at Michigan State University. Individuals on the panel were either Pro-Life or Pro-Choice.

 Members of REAAL provided the audience with various scenarios that they would have to act out. Ending with challenges that would make them choose to be for, or against having an abortion. Examples of this were situations where the woman had been raped by a third party. Many concluded that they would keep the child. Some students brought up questions about the women’s health and her relationship with her partner. In result, panelist asked what are the solutions

In all, we appreciate everyone who supported this event. Our goal is to make more individuals aware of this issue, find solutions and take action.
Check out some pictures from the event below!

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