Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March's REAAL Spotlight

Courtney Griffin is a Professional Writing major at MSU with a minor in Media Arts and Technology. She is the 2010/11 President of REAAL at MSU, and has been a member since 2007.

KG: What does being REAAL (Radiating Excellence in All Areas of Life) mean to you?

Courtney: Personally it means being excellent in whatever I do, from the smallest to the biggest task. Whether its applying for a position, or helping someone. It is setting a good example and helping someone along the way.

KG: Who is one person that inspires you?

Courtney: My mother. She was a hard working single mother who never told me there was something I could not do, she has always been an inspiration.

KG: What are three things you do to pick yourself up and turn your situation around when needed?

Courtney: 1) Create some “me time”, I take two hours each weekend to do things I enjoy and it helps me claim some sanity. 2) Reflect on the situation 3)Give myself pep talks

KG: What is your passion?

Courtney: Music, whether Im listening or playing it puts me in a better mood and takes me to a happy place.

KG: What is your next big thing?

Courtney: Grad school

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